THE GUARDIAN: ‘I didn’t eat for days’: hunger stalks Venezuelan refugees

A seemingly endless lake of cardboard and tin shacks surrounds the perimeter of a former airport runway in Colombia’s desert-like city of Maicao. Known locally as La Pista, the area is home to more than 2,000 families, and is one of 44 informal settlements to have emerged around the city in the past two years.

Elaine Rojas, 27, and her four children in the shack in La Pista where they live with her husband and 2,000 other Venezuelan families. The pale hair of Kevin, her youngest child, is a sign of malnutrition. Photograph: Nadège Mazars/Guardian

Elaine Rojas, 27, and her four children in the shack in La Pista where they live with her husband and 2,000 other Venezuelan families. The pale hair of Kevin, her youngest child, is a sign of malnutrition. Photograph: Nadège Mazars/Guardian